More people than we ever imagined find themselves in circumstances they never imagined. It's easy to focus on what we see than what we don't see. The second we stretch our faith, mindset and actions is when our circumstances begin to change.
When I took one of the biggest leaps of faith of all - in choosing full-time entrepreneurship in 2011 - I never imagined I would walk through the challenges in character and circumstances I have. I absolutely did not think some of my own transformation, or business results would take as long as they have.
At the same time, I am astonishingly grateful because without those moments of pain, I would not have pushed to purpose. To create, to transform, to inspire. Those moments have led me to stretch far beyond what I would have imagined in life and in business vs. if things would have remained comfortably safe and secure. I know that may sound crazy. My life, likely like yours, is a story I am living with transformation from the inside out.
As I have walked through character chiseling and humility in more ways than I may count, I have prayed and found creative ways to make money and reduce expenses. Some, if not all of these, may surprise you. Despite circumstances that may be less than ideal in some ways, I have a lot to be grateful you. You do too.
At the same time, I feel part of my purpose is creating, transforming and inspiring fighting for your freedom in all forms. One way of doing that is to ask, seek, and knock for solutions and opportunities to transform from the inside out leading to a change in circumstances.
I would not be here without each and every step that came before, and all the ways I seek counsel from God, and coaches that hold me accountable. Not only that, but the choice to transform my thinking and feeling, as well as taking aligned actions with creating a life and business I love. I won't pretend it is always easy. Yet, I choose to get back up each and every time.
That is what I want you to get for creating a life and business you love.
Transformation is required to create what you love. Increasing your online presence is too.
If you are anything like me, you have challenges with lies, fears, and resistance. We all do. It's called being human. Take down the mask, and put on the gloves.
Fight for your freedom.
From the inside out.
It is and You Are Worth It.
Creating a life and business you love will cost you who you were and many things about your life.
It will gain you freedom, purpose and passion beyond what you imagined.
Let's talk about Creative Ways to Make Money and Reduce Expenses.

Creative Ways to Make Money
In Creative Ways to Make Money and Reduce Expenses, I am sharing four ways I learned that are different than prior things I have shared before on making and managing money like a boss.
These even surprised me.
Too often, we focus on what we don't have or don't see. When we open our eyes and stretch our minds, we are often blown away.
I am pulling back the curtain on ways you may reduce and/or eliminate rent, make money on event space, turning expenses into profits with collaborations, and creating co-living/co-working communities globally.
Lessons Learned from Making Money and Reducing Expenses
I don't know about you friend, but I can be hard headed. Sometimes I learn and apply things fast, sometimes it takes me a lot of practice and time. For years, I helped others generate 6-8 figures and manage their money like a boss, and I was terrified at facing my own money.
Many of us didn't grow up with safe and stable environments with money or calm conversations around finances. As a result, dealing with money may bring up lots of emotions. In 2011, I began to slay the Goliath of my finances. I started using tools like Mint, and reduced my expenses by over 50% alone. Since then, I have shifted mindsets and implemented actions like my 6 Pack of Wealth.
My journey in shifting from lack to abundance and from fear to faith hasn't been easy. 2020 hasn't helped.
At the same time, my faith and focus on peace have grown more than ever. As a result, many things have come up in 2020 with creative ways to make money and reduce expenses in my journey.
I commit every single day to create a life and business I love. Sometimes, I feel like I am flowing like honey, and other times like I am climbing Mount Everest. Anyone else?
Four Creative Ways to Make Money and Reduce Expenses
1. Reducing and/or Eliminating Rent
I feel like 2020 has gone by slowly day by day, and extremely fast all at the same time. My lease is coming up for renewal in January 2021. The last several months, I have prayed and reflected on staying in Atlanta for 2021.
At the same time, I have thought about ways to reduce and/or eliminate rent.
Several things have come up for me to consider in reducing and/or eliminating rent.
1 Considering renewing and staying in Atlanta all through 2021. I live in Buckhead in the center of Atlanta, GA. I love where I live, and it is super walkable. At the same time, I am not particularly fond of the cold in Jan - April.
I started looking at various properties a few months ago. Most recently, connecting with Zumper, an online search engine with homes and apartments nationally. I have sourced via zip codes for Atlanta in 30305, and nearby where I live. The tool is helpful, and allows me to search, view prices, and see any specials the property is running at a glance.
They have a helpful resources - Instarent - allowing you to reserve and rent it all online, that is available in the New York, Chicago, Montreal, Toronto, Los Angeles, Vancouver, San Francisco, Philadelphia, San Diego, and Denver markets as of this writing.
Surprisingly, rent prices have stayed relatively stable in Atlanta so far. I love communities like the one I live in now - Berkshire Terminus - that have onsite lounge, pool, gym, and rooftop space. The typical apartment in this area with those amenities right now is starting at $1,300 ish.
While I love the area where I live, I have lived in the same apartments now for 6+ years (moved units once), and definitely feeling ready for a new adventure.
It has led me to explore various possibilities from considering a smaller apartment and more options.
a You could consider a smaller apartment, and/or moving to a new city all together. Something I have considered, and recently met several new neighbors that did that by moving to Atlanta.

Apartment Life
Along the lines of reducing rent, and creating community, I recently discovered Apartment Life. Apartment Life helps care for apartment residents by connecting them in relationships. They do this by connecting people as a Community Coordinator with a property looking to increase community involvement with connection, community, and events.
Several years ago, I started connecting with Atlanta Apartment Association, and looking for ways to impact community locally to nationally. I prayed about it and let it go and kept my eyes and ears open.
A few months ago, our community Berkshire Terminus sent out a note about two coordinators with Apartment Life and events. I Googled and found out they connect properties locally and nationally and place coordinators to help with community engagement and events onsite and offsite. I love that they are faith-based as well!
Excitedly, I emailed about national opportunities right away. I connected with their Team Member and VP, Lisa. A few short weeks later, I submitted an application to be a coordinator, as well as recommending one for the Atlanta area.
I connected with Bekah to learn more about the one year and two year possibilities to be a community coordinator. I am exploring possibilities currently for ways we may mutually engage and/or partner.
They offer ways you may serve onsite and offsite 1-2 years with either rent reduction options and/or payment depending on what is the best fit for you and the property team.
I highly recommend you connect with them as a creative way to either make money and/or reduce your expenses. Let them know you learned about it via my blog and/or show!

Credit: Apartment Life Website
Potentially Moving Overseas for 21-22
Another way I am seriously pondering is moving overseas for most if not all of 2021. Earlier this year, I launched a Travel Project - Inspiring Travel Now and in the Future - with content, influencer marketing, and future travel.
This grew into alignments with Travel Industry Marketing Association, Travel Massive, and Girls Love Travel in various ways. I have been pitching travel brands, as well as setting up co-living and co-working communities overseas for 2021 and beyond.
In addition, recently I have started reaching out to hosts via Workaway - an incredible platform to find opportunities overseas with media and numerous other ways. I have found over 10 opportunities in Central and South America in the last two weeks alone, and reached out to retreat and host providers.
Lastly, I researched monthly rates for homes via Airbnbs for Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico and Bali as well.
I have found I may reduce my rent easily by over half and live by the beach - yes please!
In short, I have and you have options to consider!

Grenada, Nicaragua
2. Make Money on Event Space
Since the pandemic, like millions of others I have not hosted events live yet locally or globally. Recently, I tuned into a webinar with Your Income Space. I loved learning from their presentation and experiences.
I immediately listed event space I have access to for filming, events, and reunions. I have already gotten inquiries for 21-22. A great site to list on is Eventective as they receive numerous leads all the time.
This could be a creative way to make money where you live and/or have event space access. I definitely recommend you tune in to Your Income Space's resources.

Photos by Brock Atlanta
3. Connect with Brands You Love
This one is especially for the social media gurus, influencers, and media mavens. Open your eyes to all the ways you spend money at places you love like Trader Joes, Kroger, Publix, etc to start.
Connect with the brands you love, share why you are a great fit, and offer ways to work together like a boss. Whether this leads to you making money, features on social channels, and/or free groceries, it is a win win win.
Of course, connecting with brands you love may go far beyond groceries in more ways than one. This is one of the ways I am reaching out for collaborations, as well as brand engagements with our CREATEIT summit and more!

4. Create or Join C0-Living and/or Co-Working Communities
You make take going overseas to a whole new level like I am exploring right now by creating co-living and working communities so you make money and reduce your expenses! If you are not ready to create them yet, you may want to join us in one with our Creation Months!
Co-living and co-working communities overseas involves combining a retreat experience with co-working for a month to three months at a time. As a result, each day and week is slower paced than a retreat. Not only that, it continues to include adventure, as well as an incredible community to connect and create a life and business you love with!
I have hosted retreats in the past in Costa Rica, Cuba, London, and Barcelona and love them. I figured with the pandemic, along with creating a deeper community and slower pace, a month long experience will be great! I am exploring Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Bali for options for 2021.
I loved connecting with Sophie of Central American Travelers via Travel Massive and learning all about Nicaragua! We talked about so many incredible places in Nicaragua, and all the country has to offer from culture to colonial towns to beaches and experiences.

Grenada, Nicaragua
Creative Ways to Make Money and Reduce Expenses
My challenge to you is to think outside the box with creative ways to make money and reduce expenses. You may already be considering moving. What about event space, collaborations, and overseas opportunities?
What I have learned is that the more out of the box I think, the more I attract and learn about new opportunities as well. More importantly, the more leaps of faith I take, the more my eyes are opened to limitless possibilities. For years, I judged so much by money solely vs. the value of so much more in various opportunities.
What actions could you take to Make Money and Reduce Expenses?
If you are anything like me, likely it's D) all of the above.
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