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  • Writer's pictureKatrina Julia

2020 Vision: A Year Ahead

If you found your way here to this post, it's likely you are a creator, entrepreneur and/or goal getter?

Creating a 2020 Vision sets your soul on fire to propel you to create a life and business you love.

Spoiler Alert: I will help you simplify health, wealth, business so that you create a life and business you love simpler and faster than you thought possible.

Maybe you've used various planners like me. I've used Brendon Burchard's Daily Planner, Chalene Johnson's Push Journal, and Rachel Hollis's Start Today Journal. I've created my own approach including things I've learned and applied from theirs and added some of my own methods.

For the last 3+ years, I set aside intentional and prayerful time as the year ends into the New Year to set up for success. This year included writing down gratitude for 2019 and best of the year with lessons learned to end of the year. To start the New Year, I created and clarified by 2020 vision for the New Year and decade. I aligned my 10 goals with a 3 X 7 approach tied to my 90 day plan.

Proverbs 29:18 Without vision, people perish.

At the same time, faith without action is dead. I love to create and see the big picture, as well as now take in down to the details. It is in the daily disciplines that we create confidence that you and I are creating a life and business we love.

The daily disciplines help you simplify health, wealth and business. By following a strategy and structure, you reach goals you want faster like time, location and financial freedom. It's time for you to create a 2020 vision to create a life and business you love.

2020 Vision Insights

I believe in vision and goal setting. I align passion and purpose to annual, monthly and daily goals. This makes momentum and creates confidence generating results. As I grew spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, I developed a strategy for creating a vision for life, 1 year to 7 year goals, annual plans, and a 90 day plan.

This is years of practice and influence from transformation teachers. For life legacy, I pray, write in my journal daily, and practice visualization to name a few exercises. With my annual vision, I assess the prior year. I give gratitude for a year lived and I reflect on what worked and what didn't.

In goal setting, I pay particularly close attention to my morning routine, actions, and results. I integrate my passions and purpose in seven areas of life. and stay flexible for surprises. This currently includes seven steps of life. The areas include spiritual, mental, emotional, relational, playful, financial, and physical.

In 2016, I realized I was my happiest when I was making forward movement in every area of life. At the same time, I recognized that there are periods of intense focus in an area to shift it exponentially. My current focus for 2020 is aligning creating a life and business I love with community I love reaching President's Team in Herbalife and my first million dollars in the bank.

Years ago, I didn't have the clarity, alignment or action I do now. The last seven years have been a humbling experience to say the least. I've grown closer to God than ever. That's what happens when the vision and goals are way bigger than you, and you can't do it alone at all.

In 2019, I started asking myself "how bad do you want it". Meaning the vision and life I am dreaming of. I read the Bible straight through for the first time and my faith grew like crazy. I became a regular member of Transformation Church and Passion City.

As a result, several key things changed with my morning and evening routines, actions and accountability. I started setting intentions for every action consistently and tracking results. My alignment in actions intensified, as well as the volume of my actions.

This led to my waking up consistently at 4:30 - 5am at the end of July after our annual Herbalife extravaganza. I simplified and started consistently launching our community courses and events. My actions aligned to the vision more with proposing over $10,000,000 to brands for wellness, media, lifestyle and travel. My self worth, belief and confidence grew massively.

I share this for you to see that I am a freedom fighter to create what I love and help you create too.

2020: A Year Ahead

The first few days of 2020 I spent creating and writing my vision for the year and decade. I started the 10/10/1 practice I learned from Rachel Hollis. I dedicated 4+ hours to go to Target and get the 2020 Vision journal and outline my year and decade. I celebrated myself for taking prayerful and aligned action. I considered what sets my soul on fire.

Let's get into the Vision for 2020 & Beyond.

1. Filled with Light and Love

My first prayer and goal is that I am a beautiful wonderful child of God. That I am being and becoming a Proverbs 31 woman filled with fruits and gifts of the spirit. I pray daily for freedom in thought, word and deed. It is my desire to live a life full of purpose and joy.

I've learned that if I don't put first things first in all aspects of life that I am nowhere near my passion, purpose and potential. I take action on this daily during my morning and evening routines with prayer, Bible reading, journaling to name a few of my practices.

Fave verses

Proverbs 31

Romans 12:2

Gal 5:22

Gal 5:1

Phil 4:8

Isa 61:3


2. Healthier than High School & NPC National

Take care of your body, it's the only place you live - Jim Rohn

My second goal is to be and stay healthier than high school, and reach National Physique Committee National Status with Bikini. I love transforming and inspiring. Like other's did for me, I love showing what's possible at any age (I am 41 years young and say often I am ageless or eternally 25).

In 2013-2014, after years of instability mentally and physically,I lost over 55 lbs with the help of Herbalife Nutrition, healthy habits, and meal bags. I started competing in fitness shows in 2014 as well with Team Edge and the National Physique Committee. I've competed in 3 shows and now placed Top 5 twice.

I love to get my hair and makeup done for every show. I look at it as a great reward (beats almost killing myself running a half marathon LOL). It's awesome to be able to show off hard work as well and not take the placements personal from the judges in the competitions.

Each and every time I compete, I am proud of my hard work. #Hardworkpaysoff

I love how I feel being healthy all the time. It's incredible how consistently weight training, dancing and practicing yoga impact my mood and body. It's amazing to see my spirit, soul, mind and body consistently transform. I am so proud of myself for now being sober 5+ years, not eating sweets, and most importantly helping others with healthy habits.

My daily practices include healthy habits like drinking water, Herbalife Nutrition shakes and supplements, and following a protein/complex carb/healthy fat nutrient approach. For transformation tools, visit my freebies library.

Fave verses

1 Cor 6:19

Daniel 1:8-14


3. Best Friends, Partners in Purpose, and Passion Partners with Love of my Life

I am praying for and want an exceptional relationship where we create a life and business we love together. Where we travel the world together impacting lives in health, wealth, and business. I know God is creating the love story of my life.

I am creating and doing my part with choices I've made with trusting God, actions, and submission. I've received vision, dreams and clarity on this. There will be more on this at the perfect time. This includes a desire of being a mom.

One thing I want to share is ladies - be a lady. Be passionate and purposeful about your life. Create captivating mystery in who you are and your life. Allow yourself to be pursued - period. Ask yourself what type of woman do you want to be and how do you see a relationship?

Create a vision and trust that it will align. Focus on being and doing your part. Know your priceless worth. See yourself as worthy and deserving of an exceptional love. Refuse to settle. Be a Ruth and trust the timing for your Boaz.

Fave verses

Ruth - entire book

1 Cor 13:13

1 Cor 13:7

Prov 3:5

Eph 5:24

1 Pet 3:1


4. I am Creating a Life & Business I Love with Community I Love:

As President's Team with Herbalife & I Have my First Million Dollars in 2020

Creating freely with community I love is important to me. For years, I focused on the status, recognition, or results to the misalignment of passion and purpose. Keeping the alignment regardless of the timing is precious to me. The feeling of love, joy and peace in the journey.

The feeling and the flow of creating and receiving all the time is priceless. The art and science of goals with my drive is interesting. Years ago, I made goals my God so I get checked on this regularly. I previously made choices based on external results first. So, it doesn't surprise me that within the last year I have been tested on this massively.

At the same time, It isn't easy creating with circumstances that aren't ideal. We get to choose again and own sometimes we created our current circumstances. And we can create again. Other times, life hands us things outside of our control. I made a choice years ago to turn pain into purpose.

With this goal, daily alignment and authenticity is key. From that energy, I take daily actions in media, experiences and community. The monthly and yearly goals include attending Herbalife Global Nutrition events, and other personal development events.

This includes among other actions:

1 Content creation & course launches with health, wealth & business tools

2 Promoting, partnering and placements with our online & live events

3 Creating community with wellness, lifestyle, media and travel

4 Simplifying by clearing, automating, and delegating actions

5 Tracking daily actions, results and lessons for transformation

At the beginning of 2018, I set goals as well. However, I learned that my goals and actions were not as clear, aligned, or focused. So, some of the goals were not reached. We did grow massively in submitting proposals (>$10,000,000) in brand to brand for wellness, lifestyle and travel. Our community reach and results grew to well over 300 Million as well.

I feel like 2019 set the stage and a firm foundation.

Full disclaimer: Results were less than 5 figures in 2019.

My point is there are things to celebrate when you don't achieve your goals, as well as learn and adjust. Life is a journey. This year, I am starting with waking up 4:30 am (very different from last year), alignment to passion and purpose, and increasing aligned action in every way daily.

The last time I felt close to this (actually more clear and joyful now), I aimed for $2,000,000 in results and we achieved $10,000,000 that year in an executive role I was in with an Energy Co.

The future ripple effects of this include giving a minimum of 10% tithing of $100,000, giving money to my family, and giving to help end homelessness, end cancer, vets and battered women. It includes homes filled with peace, joy and love in Atlanta first, than Florida, and in Hawaii in the next 10 years or less. Of course, it includes being debt free.

See how I set one goal and how it knocks out several others? Another #goalsetting hack.

Fave verses

Deut 8:18

Jer 29:11

Prov 18:21

James 2:14-26


5. Creating Live Hands-on Events Impacting Millions with Nike, Apple, Disney

Be BOLD as a Lion is what keeps coming to my mind. I and we host live events already. We've hosted hands-on with wellness, lifestyle and entrepreneurship with incredible people and partners. However, clearly I know how bold it is to say impacting millions with Nike, Apple and Disney.

Like millions of others, I am an avid fan of Nike, Apple and Disney. I own and have owned countless pairs of Nikes. I am now completely and utterly an Apple girl with the full suite of products and on iPhone 11.

Anyone that knows me, knows that I love Mickey Mouse (my sheets were even Mickey in college). I went to Disney World Animal Kingdom the last three years in a row anytime Herbalife Global Nutrition hosted Leadership Development Weekend nearby

What is even more interesting is yesterday already a direct contact came to me on Disney for media and more. My vision whether it is this year or within the life legacy is to aim for hands-on events with wellness, entrepreneurship, media and travel at our #CREATEIT centers, world and with passionate and purposed partners both personal and brand (I have a list & pray & write it daily!)

Every day and week, I take action towards this whether it is a proposal for media and/or retreat proposal with an ongoing relationship with wellness, influencer marketing and creating retreats.

Fave verses

Prov 28:1


6. Travel for 2020 & Beyond

I am traveling locally, nationally and globally. This includes staycations in Atlanta each quarter and a fast. Global travel includes Brazil, Turkey and who knows where else? My goal for 2020 is 4 new countries during the year for solo and or group travel. My travel goals include expanding with healthy travel both personally and with brands and retreats.

My goal this year is to set up strategy, structure and systems towards taking my first sabbatical year September 2021-2022. This will include a team of support while I travel (prayerfully with the love of my life). It will include 7 continents of travel.

Actions taken already in 2020 include contacting wellness hotels directly for consulting and collaborations, brands and retreat centers, and setting up a podcast with someone who already takes a sabbatical year every 7 years too.

Fave verses

Matt 28:19


7. Giving to Help End Homelessness, End Cancer, Help Vets & Battered Women

Giving fuels me in every way. Looking around at the state of our world reminds me how much I have to be grateful for. It calls me to passion and purpose to help people. The perspective of each and every one of our purposes to impact people is powerful.

I believe our life is a gift and what we do with that gift is our gift back to our Creator. I am giving $100,000 minimum in 2020 to help end homelessness, end cancer, vets and battered women is the aim. With believing, creating, and receiving the prior goals, this one flows easily and effortlessly from that. The more I and we create community, the more we are able to give.

If you didn't know already, everything we create gives a minimum of 10% to these causes. In addition, we create lifestyle fundraisers like Fitness Fuses with Fashion to help non-profits.

To keep things in perspective, at this moment, I am and we are nowhere near these goals. I stand boldly speaking, sharing and acting upon them. If I am. creating a life and business I love, so can you. The 90 Day plan coming up will share more on the outline for Jan - March.

Fave verses

Psalms 146:9

2020 Vision

2020 Vision creates a direction for you to create a life and business you love. The clarity and direction are parts of your equation. To cast a vision and create your reality, take action. Aligning your actions with your vision, will help you reach your goals faster than you think.

Choose to create knowing there are miracles in each moment.

What did you get from this, and what will you take action on creating your 2020 vision?

If you love this post, you will love 90 Day Plan: Seven Steps to Success.


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