I don't know about you , but I love creating healthy recipes like a boss that are easy to make, great for you, taste incredible, and are photo and Instagram worthy! That's what Healthy Like a Boss is all about!
When I first learned how to get healthy, I changed my habits and included transformation tools. Seven years later, the transformation tools like Herbalife Nutrition, 6 Pack Meal Bags, and Peloton App still make it easy for me and countless others like you!
The biggest impacts I experienced in losing >55 lbs in a year and a half and keeping it off, involved setting myself up for success with transformation tools, simplifying meal prep, and healthy like a boss mindset and recipes!
*Disclaimer average person who uses Herbalife Nutrition loses
.05 to 1 lbs a week with healthy active lifestyle.
I started asking "what would it take to fix my meals in 5 min or less >80% of the time"? I started asking "how can I save more time making healthy recipes like a boss"?
When I first started making healthy recipes, I would dedicate about 2-3 hours on Sundays to cook my meals. Now, I make and cook healthy recipes on a daily basis easily.
If I can learn to get and stay healthy like a boss at home and when I travel, so can you!
Healthy Like a Boss
Ask yourself, why do you want to change your health?
How will improving your health impact your loved ones?
Do you have a community and accountability to help you get healthier?
How will you get healthier by using transformation tools for your health?
Whether you are working a 9-5, an entrepreneur, or building a brand, your time is precious. At the same time, getting and staying healthy like a boss is priceless!
These Healthy Recipes Like a Boss will help you get inspired to jump start your health.
Start simplifying your health with tools and recipes, and I promise you will have results simpler and easier than you thought possible.

Coconut Dream Smoothie Bowl
From the moment I saw and tasted my first smoothie bowl, I became hooked on #smoothiebowls
The look, taste, and varieties sparked my mind and my body!
Anyone else?
I love to create new creations and concoctions all the time!
If you are still reading and / or listening, my bet is you do too!
Coconut 🥥 🌴🏝Dreaming 🛌?
I got you with #coconutdream#smoothiebowlrecipes
1 2 scoops Formula 1 Coconut @herbalife@herbalifelatino I love this flavor!!
2 2 scoops Herbalife Protein Drink Mix total 24g
3 1/4 Cup Spinach
4 Guanábano Fruit Slices
5 1/4 Banana
6 Pineapple Slices
7 3 Tbsp Chia
8 Coconut 🥥Flakes
I use Herbalife for >7 years
A It helped me lose over 55 lbs and keep it off along with healthy choices & lifestyle
B It’s in 90+ countries so easy for me to Order globally & try new things
C Incredible community & learning & leadership
D Included in all our online & live experiences
E Income opportunities
Of course you can use what you want!!
🛑 Wait. There’s more!
Create with our community via freebies with
Meal Plan, Preview to Monthly Mastermind & Summit, and more with
hands on wellness, faith, marketing, biz & travel!
Making coconut and other dreams realities!
Disclaimer average person who uses Herbalife loses .5 to 1 a week with healthy active lifestyle
Smoothie Bowls
Healthy Like a Boss Smoothie Bowl Recipes will help you get healthier easier and faster than ever!
Do you create smoothie bowls now?
We would love to see what you create on your journey to get and stay healthy like a boss! Share with us. on social media via @katrinajuliafit2 and @fitlifecreation for a feature!
For more ways to jump start your health, wealth and business like a boss, check out my
FIT Life Creation: Lifestyle Brand: Health, Wealth, Biz in 1
Think Amazon Meets Airbnb for Transformation with Influencer Marketing
(Revolve / Like it to Knowit) and Fundraising Twist.
#google #pinterest #youtube #instagram #facebook #twitter #createalifeandbusinessyoulove #LifestyleEntrepreneur #LifestyleBrand #TransformationCoach #createcultivate #experiences #fitlifecreation #katrinajulia #onlinecourse #mastermind #challenge #HOWTO #lifestyleblogger #linkedin #health #transformation #tools #lifestyle #weightloss #loseweight #recipe #healthyrecipe #nutritiontips #5minutesorless #smoothiebowl #smoothiebowls