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  • Writer's pictureKatrina Julia

How to Grow Your Pinterest Monthly Views to 100,000 Like a Boss

Have you heard about Pinterest, a visual engine tying blogs and platforms all in one place? Maybe you've seen bloggers and entrepreneurs growing their online reach and income and you are curious how. You aren't the only one,

It's taken me years to get to growing my Pinterest monthly views to 100,000 in a month. When I started at the beginning of the month earlier this year, I regularly experienced between 3,000 to 10,000 monthly views, Once I put the pieces of the puzzle together, everything started flowing.

Almost magically, everything came together to get my Pinterest views to over 100,000 in less than a month. It's incredible how easy things are flowing now with over a 1,000,000 in sight in 2020.

I know how hard it can be to simplify on Pinterest, and any platform, and start seeing results. With any online business, Pinterest may help you reach people easier and faster than you thought possible. Pinterest is not a social media channel. It operates as a search engine like Google.

How to Grow Your Pinterest Monthly Views to 100,000 Like a Boss will help you with your

Pinterest Profile, Pins, Boards, Tools, Videos and Stories, Outsourcing, and Analytics.

Shot on my Canon EOS M100

Grow Your Pinterest Monthly Views to 100,000

Figuring out your strategy for Pinterest may be challenging when you start. However, when you break it down into simple steps it becomes easier and easier to get the results you want in views and engagement.

In my step by step process, I will share the 411 on:

  • Pinterest Profiles

  • Pins

  • Boards

  • Tools

  • Videos & Stories

  • Outsourcing

  • Analytics

Before you know it, you will be on Pinterest like a boss.

With using this step by step approach to grow Pinterest to over 100,000 views in a month, the audience grew over 2,000% and engagement over 1,400%. You can see how growth and engagement continue now well over 200,000 in July.


Profile on Pinterest

Likely you have heard people talk about profiles on Instagram and the importance of standing out. Similarly, your profile on Pinterest matters. You get 3-10 seconds to make a first impression through your profile, pins and/or boards.

When I first started on Pinterest, I glanced at the profiles of Jenna Kutcher, Marie Forleo, Christina Galbatto, and Melyssa Griffen to get an idea. I encourage you to look at profiles of those who are further along than you as well.

You'll see my profile includes my name, as well as Transformer, Educator, Podcaster and Traveler. These are areas I know people search for as well. In the description, you may see entrepreneur and creator and how I help people in creating what they love. In addition, I have a freebie and opt-in from the start.

I recommend you review your bio, description and include a freebie. Another way you may grow is submit your account for verification, claim your website and other accounts like Instagram, Etsy, etc.


Create Incredible Pins

Pinterest is a visual platform so the first thing that catches people's eyes is the Pin and the words.

Make your images eye-catching, and your words bold and large enough for people to see easily.

I use Canva, a free tool for graphics, for all my images. I created templates for our Virtual Assistants via Okay Relax to use easily. You can see how all of our Pins fit in with our colors of pink, blue and green with bright filters and the same font.

When you glance below and at my Pinterest profile, you will see a mixture of Pins with image and text, text only, infographics, videos, and stories.

We cover the 411 more in depth in our CREATEIT summit and monthly mastermind as well.


Pinterest Boards

Once you have your Pins in order, you want to set up your Boards. I actually created these first and regularly update them. You can think of your boards as groupings of content you share. At the same time, keep in mind Pinterest is a search engine like Google.

You can see how my boards include titles like Blog, How To's & DIY's, Podcast Episodes etc. Creating a board is simple. You upload a Pin like usual, Create a Board, and then go to the board info and select a cover.


Tools for Pinterest

Once you are clear on your Pinterest Profile, Pins, and Boards, it's time to put tools into place. I have used Tailwind App for years to schedule and automate Pins on repeat. This helps you free up your time. Keep in mind, most people take 5-8 times to see your content and click on it.

Not to mention, that you will continue to grow with new followers so repurposing and sharing your content over and over is key. I outsource my Pins and scheduling on Tailwind to a virtual assistant via Okay Relax as well weekly to monthly for each series and / or project launch. Tailwind offers communities like Tribes to reshare your content as well.

I learn from Later Media, and started using their tools as well.


Share Videos and Stories on Pinterest

In 2020, Pinterest began a beta on stories and video sharing. As soon as I saw that, I began testing videos created via Canva templates as well. I immediately saw views of 4,000+ compared to 100s on regular Pins at that time.

Their stories feature is sharing your Pins in a story aka "at a glance feature". I noticed those resulted in views of 4,000 - 8,000 as well. As a result, my Pinterest Profile overall grew as well in views and engagement.

I recommend daily to weekly sharing stories and/or videos. This may or may not be available for you to schedule via Pinterest. However, this takes 2-5 minutes for you to do and/or have someone else do.


Outsource Your Pins and Scheduling

It's easy to see how you may get consumed on Pinterest with your own profile and/or looking at others. If you have created in our community before, you know I am all about freeing up your time. I am very mindful of this every step of the way. I have zero desire to be a slave to business.

Pinterest is no different for me.

The steps I took included:

1 Setting Up Templates for Pins

2 Creating Boards

3 Implementing Tailwind App

4 Outsourcing my Pins & Launches

5 Outsourcing my Scheduling

I use Okay Relax, and have outsourced over 50 tasks with them in the last two months alone. Okay Relax is a Virtual Assistant service with various plans to choose from for your life and business. Pinterest is one of many tasks their Virtual Assistants may perform.


Tracking Your Analytics On Pinterest

Last, but definitely not least, is tracking your analytics on Pinterest. I look at this weekly to make sure analytics are moving in the right direction. Pinterest will show you your monthly views right away.

In addition to your monthly, I recommend you look at your weekly and bi-monthly, as well as your top performing pins. This will give you insight into what is working and how to focus your efforts next.


Top Performing Boards, Videos & Stories


Weekly - showed me was on track to hit close to 100,000 before I was there


Monthly - the growth rate showed me we would easily exceed 100,000

Monthly - goes over 100,000 but growth rate slows showing opportunity to increase videos, stories & scheduling


Weekly - growth shows on track to hit over 200,000 monthly views

Monthly - growth goes over 200,000 - percentages still lower than when I first hit 100,000. Opportunities to increase videos, stories and scheduling.


How to Grow Your Pinterest Like a Boss

No matter what business you are in, Pinterest will help increase your online presence, website visits, and engagement. Ultimately, all of these will lead to an increase in sales too.

Putting together your Pinterest Profile, Pins, Boards along with tools, videos, outsourcing and analytics will help you grow faster than you imagined on Pinterest.

What is your next step to grow your Pinterest to 100,000 and beyond like a boss?

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