How to Create + Launch Your Online Course in a Week...Like a Boss
Welcome to How to Create and Launch Your Course in a Week or less.

I am super excited that you're here. I am super grateful because you are going to feel so amazing, you guys, every single day, with all the actions that you're taking, that you're simplifying everything that you need to do.
First, we will get into an overview of the Five Step System with the Tips, Tools, Technology.
Then, you will get a Roadmap with an estimate on how much time it may take you, and ideas to outsource.
You are going to get exact insight into what is coming up in the next seven days.
You're going to be amazed at what you can do in a day, in a week, and it's going to blow your brain up on a whole new level.
A thousand years is like a day, and a day is like a thousand years (reference Isaiah 55.1)
In the roadmap, you will see what's going to happen on a day by day basis.
You're also going to get a time estimate, and the time estimate's going to range from an introductory course into a more advanced, more extensive course.
Keep in mind - if this is your first course, then you may end up spending a little bit more time on different things, but my main thing to you, and take this message home, is create.
Follow the instructions, day by day, follow the focus, and create it.
This is your time to share your story, to share your solutions, help people overcome what it is that you've overcome.
Day 1
We're going to get into the overview and the roadmap.
Day 2
It is all about your story, all about story sharing, and the things that you love, what you've overcome, your gifts, your talents, and your abilities. Then, taking that and deciding where and how you want to impact.
How you impact and where you impact today, you may want to create a different theme or a different course next week, next month, next year.
So give yourself that freedom, okay?
That's day two and themes, and then themes and outlines.
So the strategy upfront, then the structure, the themes you can create, bonuses with the outlines, bonuses with how a course may look, so you'll see all of that.
Day 3
Day three is create it. You will get insight into the exact tips, tools, and technology that I use and we use. You will also get alternative tips, tools, and technology.
Create it with, you're going to get insight into the tools. You're going to get insight into video. You're going to get insight into, literally, I'm going to show you and pull back the curtain, and literally how my brain works in creating courses, creating the platform, so that you're saved so much time and so much money it completely shifts your mindset to how easy things many be (including courses)!
Day 4
We're going to get into pricing perfectly, and you're going to get into making money.
You're going to get into story sharing, sales pages, all kinds of different things throughout the course.
Day 5
Here we get into what's next, we're going to celebrate, we're going to talk about what you've done.
We're going to also expose you and remind you of marketing madness, a 30-day plus promotional plan, a freebies guide, terrific testimonials so you know how to ask for testimonials that really, really have your item and/or your brand shine.
Day 6 + 7
You will get the marketing madness and terrific testimonials to help you launch your course. If you choose to get in our actual course "How to Create and Launch an Online Course in a Week", you will get: Daily Face to Face Videos Daily How To's + Behind the Scenes Videos Daily Emails to Support Your Creating Your Course Bonus: 1 Month Mastermind After the Course with Our Monthly Mastermind: Creation Club: Health, Wealth, Biz in 1 with Tips + Tools + Tech in all areas.
You may get more insight on the course with initially tuning into the Free Webinar at which is a bonus for this book too! "How to Create and Launch an Online Course in a Week"
We hope to see you create in our community in our online and live experiences!
We thank you for getting this book!
Make sure listen to the Free Webinar as it will help you even more!
So let's create. Welcome to the guide! Super, super, super happy that you're here.
Share with us on social media the journey of creating your course and tag us @fitlifecreation @katrinajuliafit we love to see our community creating what they love, and may feature you via social and /or via our podcast and blog! Write down ideas you may have already thought of for your course, what you're most excited about for your life, for your business this year, and I can't wait to see what you create.
The Overview
I strongly encourage you to take this guide as a seven day activity (the same like our online course). This will help you create a sense of urgency, action, and implementation for yourself and your dreams. As a result, that is how I approach this book and guide. I love inspiration and transformation. I also believe that there is way too little action taken in our world. One of my purposes is to intensify action simpler and easier.
As a result, that is how I approach this book and guide with a day by day approach to motivate, inspire, and push you to take action on your life and your dreams. What you choose to do or not to do is solely your choice and responsibility and accountability to your life and results. At the same time, if you take action over 7 weeks or 7 months, still be proud of yourself for getting it done period. However, the faster you take the action and get your course out there, the more community you will inspire, the more results you will see. You will see what you are capable of - far more than you think.
Welcome to Day One
in your How to Create and Launch your Online Course in a Week or Less.
Here we're going to get into the overview, and a bit more detail. You're also going to get an estimate for the road map. And you're also going to get insight into the time it's going to take. You will be powerfully set up for success on the vision, the road map, and the time to schedule for yourself to get it done.
You may also want to tune in to the free webinar at if that helps you or appeals to you as well for an added bonus!
Let's talk mindset and entrepreneurship first.
Entrepreneurship, you guys, is very different than working hourly, or working salaried. It's a very different mindset. Yes, you can create a course or have it progress, and run your launch simultaneously, and some entrepreneurs do that. For me, I like to have items nearly or already done, because it alleviates some anxiety as well as I feel like I'm performing from a different level, or at least if I start launching or pre-launching on ... after I have two or three different pieces done.
Since I typically feel like that, I typically tend to attract people that are like that too. We're going to be talking in conjunction with the overview, and the roadmap, and things coming up. Also, start thinking of what you could include in your course as far your promotional pieces, or your behind-the-scene pieces before we get to the that section of this book and/or if you decide to join our community in the online course of this and/or an event or retreat live with the online experience.
In this case, we're creating How to Create an Online Course, and Launch it in a Week or Less.
If you explore at the videos we used to launch it, our freebies via our blog and podcast, you will see clearly, my promotional pieces center around that exactly. Or, what web tools to use to create and scale your own online business. You can see how the promotional pieces are valuable but they directly relate to the course and at the same time create content that is valuable and evergreen. Start thinking about that, go through the overview, go through the roadmap, start thinking about what potential course or courses you may create, and let's create.
Welcome to How To Create and Launch a Course in a Week. Yes, in a Week.
This five step system is going take you through the tips, the tools, the technology, hands on, and behind the scenes with everything you need to create and launch a course. I wish I had this a year, two years, five years ago. It would have simplified and sped up so many things in my life and saved time and saved money.
So, do you feel like there isn't enough time, technology and how to create a course or an online business overwhelms you? You aren't sure where to start, you want it easy, you want it simple, you want it fast, and most importantly you want to have results and you want to get out of your own way?
So why did I focus on How to Create + Launch a Course in a Week?
It creates urgency, action, and execution faster. It's going to save you time, it will simplify tech, it's going to clear the clutter so that you see clearly. Because there's so much noise out there, you guys, so many different tools, so many different coaches, teaching things in a month, in three months, in a year and giving you the high level theory and the insight or the steps but elongated, oftentimes. And what do I mean by that?
That you get excited, but you have no idea what order to do things in, and what tools to use. Basically, what typically happens is a month, three months, six months, or a lifetime passes because of the overwhelm in execution. What I've learned through my own journey is when you match education with a sense of urgency then you will finish fast and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.
So, for example, some of you may or may not know, I actually got an opportunity and I applied for The Apprentice T.V. show back in 2005 and I was actually selected as a finalist.
So I was screaming at the credit union when I found out and I made it to the second round. They interviewed me again and I didn't make it to be on the show but I did make it to work as a consultant for the NBC production team in New York City at Trump Towers. And no, I did not meet the Donald, that's the question I get a lot.
What I did learn is it is possible to get things done FAST. Supersonic FAST. In the six weeks that I was there, we worked with brands like Best Buy, Insurance Company, Shania Twain, Sony, XM Radio, so many different amazing things.
My eyes were massively opened to the possibility of the size of projects that could be done in 1-3 days with the right focus, tools, tech, and team. I also experienced this myself from then on in over 7+ industries including building an education and training department for a company with 50+ locations initially on my own (strategy + structure) and what I call divine downloads, then with technology, then with a team of five people for an Oil + Gas company, a financial education platform, an Internal Audit Department with technology and subsidiaries, and our lifestyle brand - FIT Life Creation - our courses, experiences, influencer platforms to name a few.
The biggest asset you have is your mind, the ability to focus, eliminate all excuses, and complete the project. PERIOD. I learned it is possible to accomplish super fast when you are focused, when you are committed to something, see the vision, and will not quit.
So create it, the life and the business you love. The time is now.

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Photo credit: @psiloveweddings
(Including Podcast Features, Influencer Study, and Mastermind Features)!