You feel like there are several areas of your life you want to transform. You want to transform health, wealth, and business yet you don't know where to start. You want freedom of expression, time and location. You want financial freedom too.
You want to create a life and business you love. You want a community to connect, create, and cultivate with.
It's easy to see why you might be overwhelmed. I was in 2013. It felt like so many areas of my life were misaligned with who I truly am and who God created me to be.
What I learned in my own transformation story is that there is a time to transform in each area. Yes, the momentum and results in focusing on one area may impact another area as a byproduct. However, when I looked back each and every year I was mostly focused on one area. The more we simplify and focus, the faster we get results.
I will share my transformation in themes in the last seven years to help you get clarity on your own transformation. It will help you get clear on a time to transform in your own life and what is next.
You may want to check out our freebies like our Creation Club: 14 Day Free Challenge in Health, Wealth, and Business in 1.
It's a time to transform for creating a life, business, and community you love.
Pursuit of Potential
If you are connecting with me and us for the first time with FIT Life Creation, it is important you know I love transformation and inspiration. I love passion, purpose, people and potential. When I see someone paralyzed by fear or limiting beliefs it pains me. I have a deep desire to see you be in pursuit of your potential with faith and courage.
I believe with like-minded people and a community it is possible to not only create a life and business we love, but to help end homelessness, end cancer, help military vets and battered women. It is possible to solve the worlds problems that are worth solving vs. focusing on fear, external, and the superficial.
I believe it's time we all take ownership for our own lives and help others.
This post is inspired by Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 that focuses on a time for everything.
Let's talk about the themes I've had in transformation. This will help you in your time to transform.
I will share how my own transformation story evolved.
The Awakening: 2013-2014
I left Corporate America in 2011. I was offered a position at 1.5X my six figure salary. For the first time in my life, I turned down a promotion. I knew it wasn't the right move for me (moving back to Houston to help align contract management for an Oil + Gas company). The CEO was shocked.
He said to me and I quote "I thought you were my next COO (Chief Operating Officer). I replied - "I didn't do a great job communicating who I truly am then because that's not in alignment with my deepest desires".
I started to grow my own consulting company - Inclusivitie - at the time to full-time. I was nearing six figures. However, I knew deep down this was not it. I knew there was a lot missing. I knew there were pieces of me missing. I knew I was not fully expressing myself. Anyone else?
This came to a head in 2013 with three pivotal points altered the trajectory of my mind and heart.
The first was starting on Herbalife Global Nutrition early in 2013. In the first month of drinking shakes and eating healthier, I dropped over 15 lbs. Disclaimer: avg person loses .5 to 1 a week. Not only that, but for the first time in my life it was easy and the shakes tasted amazing! My mind started to be so clear. I felt so great for the first time in a long time! I felt better than I did in high school!
The second was Easter Sunday where I had my first prophetic dream with clear knowing from our creator for my future love. I experienced two more clear signs in <1 month. These were clear answers to prayer from years ago. The journey and the transformation looked and looks nothing like what I imagined. It has increased my faith, hope and love like I never thought possible in all areas of life.
The third was when my best friend, Janelle McCalla got diagnosed with cancer. I am a believer in miracles. Yet, when I saw her in September I knew she no longer wanted to be here herself. I started to ask all the hard questions. Was I truly living fully? Was I walking in my full potential? Am I being all I can be? I had and have a lot to be proud of. Yet, I knew I was not playing full out. I began to revive dreams like wanting to inspire through fitness and lifestyle. I started training for my first NPC Bikini Fitness Show.
That year, I did a triathlon to help end cancer with Team In Training in her honor in September. I saw her in September and had special help arranging everything with my bike for my Olympic Distance Triathlon right after. I started off the swim super strong and then on the bike started feeling super sick.
Turns out our triathlon was the last time the race directors included the Potomac River due to pollution and contamination. By the time I got to the run, I had to stop and use the bathroom every 15 min or so. It was not pretty. Yet, I kept in my head this is nothing compared to what Janelle is enduring with chemo and radiation. I finished it - all in her honor. She passed away that December. It was completely surreal.
In October, I went to my first Herbalife Global Nutritional Event with over 30,000 people in Las Vegas. So many awakenings started happening. At the end of the year, I felt like so many seeds were planted and growing, yet I felt hazy at the same time.
When you look back, have you had an awakening? Do you feel like you are having one now? You may want to pause and write some notes down.
Self Hate to Love: 2014-2015
I started the year increasing my focus on my health. I kept using Herbalife Global Nutrition consistently. I officially signed up with Team Edge to compete in my first fitness show with Muscle Contest with NPC in July in Vegas.
I focused like never before and in July competed in my first show. It felt amazing! I loved how staying so healthy with food and working out made me feel. My best friends Angela and Lindsay also flew out to see me compete. I got to do a fitness model photoshoot with two of my favorite photographers - Brett Seeley and LHGFX.
When I saw the pictures, I cried like a baby because I had no idea I had transformed so much. I kept my head down and worked. In my mind, until I saw these pictures, I was still the same heavier girl.
I was sharing my before and after on Facebook. I vulnerably shared my story and my emotions. I became super passionate about helping others feel healthy and happy. I knew if I could do it so could others.
My Herbalife Nutrition business started blowing up. That year, it grew 25X (as a side hustle).
Disclaimer: Not typical, but possible. I was still running Inclusivitie. I was still speaking as a National Speaker with AICPA. I had various clients or projects that did not set my soul on fire.
Yet, I knew some things were going to change to align fully to what I love how I love. I knew I wanted to align fully to passion and purpose. I knew I wanted the money I made to impact live and give back. I knew that I wanted to express fully creating what you love, how you love, with who you love.
Ask yourself how do you treat yourself with love? How do you treat your body? How do you speak to yourself? What people surround you? Do they uplift you? What is your life reflecting back to you? Pause to take some notes.
Passion to Purpose: 2015-2016
I realized every quickly that I had let go of the many things I loved. I realized I and we crave what we love. I love our Creator, Jesus - the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I love family. I love health, Herbalife, and outdoor activities. I love working out with lifting, yoga, dancing. I love traveling the world. I love creating. I love expressing, I love adding value. I love transforming and inspiring. I love creating community.
What I hope you take from this is being reminded of what you love and taking action.
As I aligned to my passions, my purpose followed. I believe we have multiple purposes. I believe they tie to what we love, what we have overcome, our gifts talents and abilities and where we want to impact.
I believe one of my purposes is to simplify health, wealth and business. I believe another one is to give back to help end homelessness, end cancer, help battered women and military vets.
In 2014-2015, this led to creating FIT Life Creation. The first event I was pulled to create was Fitness Fuses with Fashion to give back to help end homelessness. We raised awareness and gave money.
I cried when I saw this video.
In 2015 - 2016, I was pulled to invest in myself further. I attended Herbalife, Dani Johnson and Strategic Coach events. I continued training and competing. I competed in a NPC Bikini show in San Diego with one of my good friends and clients, Mellie King. It was awesome to have this experience together!
I attended our Herbalife Global Nutritional event in St Louis with over 20,000 people. It was an incredible life changing experience. I attend annually, along with our monthly Atlanta Success Training Seminars and Regional Leadership Development weekends. If you want to know more about the #1 Global Nutritional Brand and health and wealth opportunities, head on over to our events page.
I began to think of what type of community I wanted to create. I set up the strategy for FIT Life Creation and started to get clear on the time and location freedom I wanted.
I grew in my faith and increased my trust in many ways including love.
Are you in alignment with your passions? How often do you do them? How often do you create? Are you clear on your purpose? Do you take action in alignment daily? Pause to take some notes.
Purpose to People: 2016 - 2017
The beginning of 2016, I kept focusing on growth and alignment in many ways. focusing on competing and photoshoots and growing my personal brand and FIT Life Creation.
In 2016, I got to attend two Extravaganzas (one in Long Beach, CA and one in Atlanta, GA in a wheelchair more on that in a few!) I got to have a photoshoot with Michael Neveaux.
The same trip I went to California for Extravaganza and the photoshoot, I went surfing.
I kept persisting to overcome each obstacle and wave during my first lesson to get up on the board. I did it with sheer determination. Next thing I know I see the shore coming super close and the water next to me is super shallow, In that moment of indecision and not bailing backwards, my board flew forward and I flew backward landing on my left foot. I
I came to a few seconds/minutes later stunned. I touched my head and my body to make sure I was all in one piece. I noticed my left foot was at a weird angle to the side of me. As soon as I tried to move it, I felt pain. It turned out I broke my fibula. Hello crutches and a boot for the next 6 weeks + and Extravaganza in a wheelchair (my team Misty and Joe helped me massively).
There was no way I was going to go around in crutches with 20,000+ people in a stadium. There was no way I was missing the event. In many ways, having a broken foot was such a blessing. It grounded me in so many ways to look at the details around me. I became focused on both the vision and the daily details. It helped me increase my gratitude massively.
I continued to grow spiritually increasing my growth in each and every area of life. I felt like so many layers were being pealed away. With a broken foot, I could't work out. I stayed consistent with Herbalife Nutrition and meal prep delivered to me. It was very interesting to say the least to rebuild the habits of working out 6+X a week once I could.
I focused on what I could do. I started to immerse myself in creating a community with influencer marketing. I began to learn numerous angles. I started to reach out in faith for our upcoming Costa Rica retreat. I connected with Marissa and Mandee. Our Costa Rica retreat in October 2016 was incredible. By then, I was in a boot and brace that was like a sock. I even went zip lining with the brace!
We experienced transformation and travel in an incredible villa with a private pool in Costa Rica. We had daily smoothie bowls with Herbalife Global Nutrition. We experienced incredible Costa Rican food with our private chef. We visited an animal rescue center and gave back. We had workshops on health, wealth, business, and travel. We had photoshoots! We went to Diamante Eco Adventure Park where we snorkeled, zip lined (with an ocean view), and more!
After the retreat, I was the Keynote speaker for Fitness MBA on "Billions in Our Brains'. It is essentially the road map for a lifestyle brand. Natalie Minh is amazing. I had attended the event a year before. In one year, I was the keynote!
This led me to the vision to have our next retreats in 2017 in Cuba. I began to plan for those as well. We had two back to back! In the first one, we stayed at a traditional Cuban Villa with an incredible host and cook - Angel! In the second one, we stayed at a villa with an incredible backyard and pool. We gave back at a local photography school. Our AirBnb host, Jose found the school for us. He once attended as a student! We experienced photo shoots. We tested our workshops and courses that are now in our Creation Club: Monthly Online Mastermind.
That year, I continued to attend events with Dani Johnson and grow many ways. I felt led to by the spirit that my word for 2017 was going to be Focus. I focused on time and location freedom. I adjusted habits financially. I took Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace course again.
I made the decision to invest in Brendon Burchard online mastermind. I also attended his High Performance Academy and World's Greatest Speaker Training. These courses were instrumental in creating videos and courses. A lot of what i teach integrates what I learned and invested thousands of dollars in. I invested in Chalene Johnson's Smart Success program as well.
I continued to align our online courses and events including tips, tools and technology with Herbalife Nutrition, 6 Pack Meal Bags, Canva, TailWind, Business Plans and more! I finished my first online mastermind: Creation Club while in Bulgaria visiting my parents at the end of 2017!
Speaking of which, both my parents retired and sold their house in Houston. They moved overseas to Bulgaria. Before I knew it, I was spending the last Christmas in the home I knew since I was in middle school and visiting them in Bulgaria!
How are you transitioning your purpose to people? Do you feel joy daily?
Solo to Community: 2017 - 2018
In childhood and in college, I did a lot with community. Somehow someway along the way, I had bought into the companies or teams around me to more so rely on self. However, nothing amazing was ever created without a community. I began to remember and take action extensively on community. It became clear my word for 2018 was Faith. In every way, shape and form my faith was tested and grown in 2018.
My mom was going through quite a few health challenges with her back and hip. I made the decision to make the time and go visit family. I am so glad I did. It is truly priceless.
I made the decision to office out of WeWork for the majority of 2018. It helped me create structure and community. I believe I needed the extra push and a place to go to in 2018. I made the decision to expand our courses extensively.
Our In a Day Series, Money Maker, Influencer Course and more were launched in 2018. We hosted our first Academy. We hosted events in London and Barcelona in between visiting family. We expanded our blog massively I got clear on strategy, structure and systems. We created 12 themes that are the foundation of our brand in health, wealth, business, and travel.
I took massive risks in not only creating courses but community. I reached out to 100s-thousands of influencers. I created our lifestyle transformation and entrepreneur influencer platform. In 2018, we began to extensively create collabs and host influencers online and live.
I grew in faith, and massively mentally and emotionally every way.
Ask yourself where you are creating with community? How could you create? How could you grow?
Bondage to Freedom: 2018-2019
I became clearer and clearer to focus on 3 actions daily at a minimum in every area of life - spiritually, mentally, emotionally, relationally, playfully, physically and financially. I ironed out my morning and night routines.
I got back at a 100% on workouts and food. In health and fitness, I competed in my third fitness show in Atlanta, GA in July! My friend Silvana came to support me. I am so proud of myself for making my health and myself a priority.
I grew extensively in hosting monthly and quarterly events like Smoothie Bowl, Social Media, and Influencer Workshops. I grew in increasing content on social media, blogs, videos and more. I launched our podcast, "Its a FIT Life Creation" now with over a 100 episodes with numerous amazing guests in transformation and inspiration.
At the end of 2018, I pushed to end the year more than I had in a long time with massive action. I realized my word for 2019 is Freedom. Freedom in all forms. Freedom of expression and of mind. Time, location and financial freedom.
It is now the middle of 2019 and so much has shifted in many ways. Our community has grown to over 200MM in reach alone. We experienced >2500% ROI in 2018 with our influencers alone. The amount of proposals that are aligned in the last month are massive. It feels like a. tidal wave of abundance is here.
I focus on joy more than ever. I let things bounce off that used to irritate me. I am not afraid to speak my truth. I do not allow negativity and ask for clarity and or cut it off immediately.
I am clear on continuing to go all in in 2019 with Focus, Faith and Freedom.
My word for 2020 is already here = it is Joy!
Mourning to Joy: 2019 - 2020
I have a strong feeling the rest of this year and into 2020 is going to be more and more joy and wonder. Phil 4:*
A Time for Everything
By now, you have an idea of a Time to Transform and what is calling you.
The biggest challenge is believing and leaping.
That is how I transformed every area of my life and continue to.
Create. Transform. Inspire. You Are Born To.
Photo credit: @psiloveweddings
(Including Podcast Features, Influencer Study, and Mastermind Features)!
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