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  • Writer's pictureKatrina Julia

7 Influencers We Love: Creating Community

Updated: May 14, 2019

7 Influencers We Love: Creating Community

We give insight into seven influencers we loved creating with + FIT Life Creation!

We will be doing this feature now regularly so stay tuned!

This post is inspired by the creators, dreamers, and transformers we have created community and content with!

We want to express gratitude for all the ways they serve in the world + transform + inspire + create what they love!

This is our first feature of many to come with creators!

Mariann is absolutely incredible! We first connected late 2017 via Ninja Outreach for our Transformation Academy. From our very first e-mail to conversation to several conversations, Mariann had all the high vibes, ambition, and drive.

She is a travel, fashion and lifestyle creator and influencers in New York City!

She completed the academy, created incredible value with content for us, created amazing freebies for her community, and has recently launched a Podcast "City Confessions"!

Ashley is full of love + light + creativity! We first connected late 2016 via email for our retreats! From our very first e-mail to conversation to several conversations, Ashley creates massive value and is full of energy!

She is focused on Sustainable Travel, Vegan Lifestyle, and Smart Tech! She is also an on-Camera Host and a Keynote Speaker!

She came with us to Cuba with our retreat + created incredible value with content for us, and has grown in so many ways as an entrepreneur and inspiring others to travel!

Marissa is so awesome and adds so much value to any community and collaboration!

She was one of the very first influencers that collaborated with us in 2016 (before the platform existed, and in the early early stages)! We first connected late 2016 via email for our retreats!

She is an adventure travel writer and photographer from Seattle! Her family also recently had a brand new addition! She is also an animal lover!

She came with us to Costa Rica AND Cuba with our retreat + created incredible value with content for us, and inspires others to travel and create what they love!

Carly has so much joy and love! Anytime anyone is around her, you can't help but smile! From our very first conversation to our retreats to her content after, Carly always over delivered in every single way! Always positive and always growing!

She was one of the very first influencers that collaborated with us in 2016 (before the platform existed, and in the early early stages)! We first connected late 2016 via email for our retreats!

She is a wanderer, content creator, and Pangea Dreams Retreat Leader. She loves sharing inspiration on travel, travel hacks, budget tips, entrepreneurship, photography and more!

She came with us to Cuba with our retreat + created incredible joy and insight into social media, and inspires others to travel and create what they love!

Joici has such a heart of gratitude! She is so thankful in anything and everything. She goes above and beyond in every single way! We connected with her via Glambassador!

She recently created with our community in the How to Create + Launch an Online Course in a Week! She is in process of launching her course now! We also recently featured her on our podcast "It's a FIT Life Creation"! She is also creating with us next in the Money Maker course, and in Brazil!

She is a journalist, social media guru, lifestyle, and loves entrepreneurship!

She loves sharing inspiration on travel, social media, entrepreneurship, and more!

Jen has overcome so much in her life, family, and has taken massive leaps of faith!

We loved and I loved connecting with her in late 2016 via email and love her mission!

She is a purposeful traveler, biz mentor, speaker, and has been seen in Oprah Magazine, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and Forbes to name a few! She has also traveled to 44 countries so far!

Her heritage is also Cuban, and were honored to have her with us on Our Cuba Retreat in 2017 on her birthday!! She created amazing videos and content about her experience with us!

She loves elevating energy and humanity and says :#doitforhumanity!

Courtney is Florida born and currently lives in China! She is a lifestyle, travel, fitness creator! We first connected with her via Tribe for two campaigns!

Each and every time we have created with her, she has super high vibes and

created content above and beyond!

Want to create a community?

Each and every course includes our mastermind that includes health, wealth, and biz with tips, tools and tech!

Think Amazon Meets Airbnb for Transformation with an Influencer Marketing + Fundraising Twist!

Photo credit: @psiloveweddings





You Were Born to.


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