So I don't know about you guys but I'm looking super forward to 2018. Not that I didn't love 2017 and not that incredible things and shifts and different things didn't happen, and I shared more on my last blog...
2018 is all about value, vibe, and tribe.
#1 Vibes
We are responsible for the energy that we bring into a room, into a situation. So for me, I'm taking it on that all the time I'm super aware about elevating energy and about raising my own energy and raising the vibes all around me.
How am I going to practice that and how am I going to do that?
So, number one is morning routine, is daily routine because what we do every single day builds up to massive momentum in every areas of our life.
So, for me my morning routine is on lock after several years of practice and constantly refined and from years ago not having a morning routine.
My old morning routine was get up, take a shower, check email, race to work like a mad person, maybe eat something, maybe...
Now, it's grounded and centered first in meditation.
Then giving myself Reiki which, if you don't know what that is, it's universal source of energy, so whatever word in that case with the practice in Reiki, it's called Reiki, but I equate it to God, our creator, energy, so that's the name it was given when it was created.
Then I do a practice of gratitude. What I'm grateful for now, and in the future and I pray.
Then I work out. I'm reintegrating it in and I'm still not yet where I want to be after breaking my foot last year and rebuilding that habit, but I'm getting much better.
The morning routine, it's all about elevating that energy and raising the vibe.
What does your morning routine look like?
So, it's one of my big things for 2018 and also it ties to the tribe that I want to surround myself with in every aspect.
If I want to have a high vibe tribe, well guess what I got to be a high vibe girl, right? I mean it only makes sense. Also, with vibes, it goes back to not allowing certain things to cause me to react. Letting go of things that no longer serve me to create room for a higher vibration.
Letting Go:
One example of that is, is you guys I let go of a client this year that I had since 2011. They sent me every single year 10-15 to 25 different speaking engagements, and back in 2011 it was the next level for me.
I was and am super grateful for the opportunities that they gave me. However, I grew in ways they chose not to. The way they also chose to treat their partners did not align with me. So, I chose to step away despite fear.
I tried to get them to listen or to change and so did many, many other people, so this was not simply coming from me. Then I realized I have a choice, I can continue to allow this or I can chose to step away.
So that was a big part of my transition, you know, 2017 into 2018 and letting go of comfort and some security, right?
To create space for more and also along those lines, with vibes it's more faith, more belief, like believe is my word for 2018.
So, my word for 2017 was focus and massive focus resulted and I broke through so many things.
For 2018, my word is believe.
Believe like a child, believe no matter what, believe in the impossible because the word itself says, "I'm possible." So all of those things are coming up for me for 2018. Believe in the goodness of people, believe in the power of change, believe in the possibility of change.
#2 Value
Value is every single time that I am being, interacting, connecting, or doing something, whether it's filming for an academy, a blog post, it is producing value. This could be simply interacting with someone at a grocery store, whether it's passing by someone in the street. It's creating high vibes and creating value.
Smiling and connecting, selflessly. Smiling and connecting and creating a relationship. So today as part of when I do these filmings, I go and get my makeup done at MAC. I love it because, one I'm around a high vibe community that helps get my vibe up. Number two I get my makeup done, which is treating me and it's, self care and it's one less thing I have to think about when I'm going to be on camera.
I do a great job with make up, but not like this, not yet. I'm still practicing and I'm still learning, but it's creating that value and then I'm connecting with people there with an organic space of just being and having fun. It's a great pre-filming experience. They simply require you to do a $60 minimum.
So what else do I mean by value? So that's, on a selfless level but then also on a service level.
That's the freebies that I'm creating. That's the guides, the challenges, the club, the retreats, the academy's. So, it's correlating selfless, it's correlating service, it's correlating full expression of who I am and how I serve. How do you want to serve? How could you serve? Who could you serve?
So, think about what that is for you and think about what that could look like for you for 2018 and beyond and then all of that, the vibes and then the value goes into tribe.
So that goes into the people that I want to surround myself with. How I want to be with family, how I want to elevate energy there. The new tribe that I want to connect with, the new friends I want to meet.
#3 Tribe
So that's connecting with people selflessly, that's spreading value and vibes to everyone around me all the time. So that's where the value and the vibes in myself as a leader and as a business owner is super, super important. Just making new friends, connecting with people, being open and just all rising higher and serving together more.
The last part of that you guys that I'm super excited about of course is clients that are really like friends, and serving more, and being with more people and also, collaborating and creating a press army with influencers and bloggers and entrepreneurs. Just all these amazing people to serve collectively together and create together.
So, with that here's to 2018 and let's vibe, let's create value and let's celebrate the tribes.

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