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Create a Life You Love Anywhere Anytime

Writer's picture: Katrina JuliaKatrina Julia

There are so many ways we all live. Some of us choose our lives, some of us create, and some of us live unconsciously. I used to live unconsciously, and now I am so grateful to create a life I love anywhere anytime.


These past two weeks, I got to experience another level of creating a life I love and integrating business while traveling overseas to Vienna Austria and numerous places in Bulgaria.


Here I will share:

1) Where did I go.

2) What did I see

3) Week 1



The questions I started asking myself 7 years ago were

"Am I living a life I love? Am I living my passions and purpose? Am I living or growing towards my full potential?"

The answers to all these questions then was NO.

That brought up a whole bunch of emotions that all started to come up when one of my best friends Janelle passed away in 2013. Yes, I was generally happy. Yes, I had experienced a lot of amazing things. Yes, I had done a lot of incredible things and accomplished a lot. Yes, I had traveled quite a bit. Yes, I had made an impact. And yet....

The person I was then was what I allowed others to tell me to be, by what society defined as success, by what was comfortable, and ultimately by settling. Yes, many would have looked or did look at the external -the degrees, the stuff, the six figures, the travels, and more and might think - I want that. That looks like success. For some, it may be.

Yet, for me when I looked back to college. I realized I had left many parts of me out. I had left out wanting to be a light in the world out. I had left out transformation and inspiration. I had accepted others opinions as my own. I had stopped breaking through barriers.


I decided to leap, and to never again allow others to define success for me. I decided to only look to our creator for that, and within.


These realization started coming softly years ago, but became louder and louder in 2013. This led to transformation in every area of my life - spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, relational, playful and financial. This led to figuring out how to create a life I love from within. To creating a life I love on my terms. To looking to inspirational examples, and to still checking in with myself.


Where Did I Go

This trip, I went to Vienna, Austria and Bulgaria to visit family and learn more about my legacy ( I am half Polish and half Bulgarian + haven't been to Bulgaria in 25+ years!)

The first five days of my trip, I got to go to Vienna Austria where my brother, Alex and sister in law, Andrea with my niece Sofia and nephew Leo. I've been blessed to visit several times as my brother went to study there, and I've been traveling since I was in the womb literally (4 countries by the time I was two)! Vienna is a beautiful country and so much to see! I highly recommend a double decker bus experience if you visit and staying like a local with Airbnb!!!

This time, my visit was all about family + going to Hohenwand in the mountains to connect!

I got there in the evening, and my brother picked me up of course! My first full day, I worked on Creation Club (a free 14 day challenge + membership to create a life you love), took some pictures of lifestyle and work in action (with my tripod and phone on automatic) all outside in the garden. Later, when my family came home from work and school, we wen to eat at a restaurant nearby. Basically, I fit in work easily and effortlessly. p.s. I had every intention to work from the sky (sometimes the wifi is awesome). However, the wifi was totally down - no problem! I journaled, watched movies, and napped during the 12+ hour flight times.

Here's a video of the experience during one of our days exploring with family!

What Did I See

After five days in Austria, I headed to Bulgaria. My parents now live in Varna, Bulgaria -

a beautiful town by the Black Sea!

The first day I arrived, we explored a bit of the city with my parents + had juice with a view! We then got settled in and relaxed! I integrated some work the next day with content creation, videos, and automation with a digital club for transformation!

Here I will share my first week in Bulgaria! Make sure you check out an upcoming post to learn more about week 2 + how I create a life + business I love + how you can too while being anywhere anytime!

Here's a video to give you insight into my first full day in Bulgaria!

My first week in Bulgaria, I explored Varna, Balchik, Albena, Golden Sands - all along the Black Sea! This included experiences like fresh fruit markets, yoga in town, botanical gardens, a palace, and eating on a pirate ship!

Here are some highlights!

Bulgaria Day 2

Fruit Market

Palace and Garden


My favorite is Albena!!! This was the beach I remembered from when I was 12 + it was the same!!!

I also visited Varna, and Golden Sands!

Varna Cathedral

Pirate Ship

I always believe in experiencing + embracing life to the fullest! I seek out experiences to grow + make myself uncomfortable whether I am at home in Atlanta, or around the globe! I encourage you to do the same!

In my next post, I will share week 2, how I create a life + business I love (+healthy tips + tools + Herbalife) + how you can too while being anywhere anytime!



Create the World You Wish to See.

- Katrina Julia


Transform + Inspire: You Were Born To.

Transform + Inspire.


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