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  • Writer's pictureKatrina Julia

Step Up Social Media (And Have Fun)

Social media is a great way not only to communicate but also have fun. You may do many things using social media platforms and love the results! Think of it first and foremost as a conversation among friends!


To start off, if you think about smart social gives you the big opportunity not only to enjoy but also have a great time in doing fun and enjoyable activities. Here, you are on top of the game as you discover and do fun activities with the social platforms given to you.


Here's some info to help you know a bit more about the platforms, and know where who is:


With over 1.8 monthly users in different parts of the globe, Facebook made it easy to upload and post pictures with interesting captions and smileys. Here, other activities are made such as adding filter to the image, editing it and sending it to your “Friends”. They've recently updated "your day" on messenger. The option to go live and share your life and what you love is also at the click of a button!



If you are a part of the 300 million users of this platform, you are lucky. A few of the activities you could do with it is the downloading, sorting images and more. You may look for fitness, finances, social, marketing all in one spot!



Aside from the tweets or messages you could sure to your followers, there is also an amazing way to upload picture and share it with your followers. The activity could turn you around by letting your pictures be seen by your followers. Instagram is like a quick photo album at a glance! You may also share your stories and go live. Take a peak at "preview" apps, and filters to improve your photo quality easily and effortlessly. An added tip is add 30 #hashtags in the areas related to your content, and to help improve your visability!


Activities in Building Your Brand

One of the great advantages of smart social media is it is not only pure fun, communication and entertainment. People more and more do business with people they like.

You may also have interest in spreading your message on YouTube so people may get to know you.



With about 1.8 Billion users monthly, YouTube is considered the top video sites online. Aside from Facebook and Pinterest, it offers the best way in uploading videos on the internet.

Here's a sample of being a guest on GSD Mode!


Step up social media, get to know the platforms, check out tools like IFTTT, Hootsuite, Buffer, and be yourself!


Have fun. Be you. Express yourself. Everyone else is already taken.


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