I often get questions on how do I juggle transformation between all areas of my life?
The key is finding ways to make it simple, find tools to help, and do it with people.
First, ask yourself what is the area of your life that gives you the most pain?
What areas of your life are you avoiding? Do you want your life to change?
Are you willing to take steps? Are you willing to be open to something new?
Now, ask yourself the tough one. This is the one that got me in 2011.
Are YOU doing what is bringing you closer to what you say you want?
Or further away?
These transformation tools will help you explore the possibilities and create change.
To start to transform your health, you will get to set yourself up for success. These are tools I
personally use all the time. They are suggestions to make things simple and easy. The beauty of
this journey is you get to choose for yourself what is best for you. The tools we will cover in health include the first five.
1) Herbalife #1 Global Nutritional Brand
2) 6 Pack Bags
3) Instacart
4) Plate Joy
5) ClassPass!
Let's get healthy!

#1 Herbalife
I first started using Herbalife #1 Global Nutritional Brand in 2013. I never would have thought I would finally fall in love with a product and company and still be using the products today multiple times a day (2017). I have no doubt I will be using these products for the rest of my life, along with my family. Quite literally, FIT Life Creation would not exist if Herbalife would not have found me.
A year into using the products, I gained the clarity to desire to transform my entire consulting
company at the time to wrap it around Herbalife, health, wealth, and business.
As a result, every single experience of FIT Life Creation includes Herbalife. The products for inner and outer nutrition are bar none the best in my opinion. The company
has been around for 35+ years, and in 90 countries with a nobel laureate formulating some of
our products. You may also explore separately at our link "brands" and drop down "Herbalife" at www.fitlifecreation.com.

#2 Six Pack Bags
To start to transform your health, you will get to set yourself up for success. I first started using these amazing meal bags in 2014, and haven't looked back! They include gel packs and are travel friendly (as long as the gel packs are frozen!).
These snazzy meal bags include everything from purses like this one, to backpacks, and everything in between!We include these in our 90 day programs, retreats, and academies. You may also explore at www.sixpackbags.com.

#3 Instacart
I thought I was dreaming when I first discovered Instacart. It was right before I broke my foot,
and it was a godsend! They have people who deliver groceries from Kroger, Wholefoods, and
more right to your doorstep! Download the free app to shop. Use the code below for a discount. KJULIA13

#4 Platejoy
I first started using Platejoy - Digital Recipes- over a year ago, and recommending them to
clients. They give you the option to customize recipes according to your preferences e.g. vegan, etc As a bonus, enter code "FITLIFECREATION" at checkout if you decide to get it. This will give
you six months free access. >$60 value. We also include this in our monthly programs, memberships, retreats, and academies in case
you want to grow with us. You may also explore separately at our link "brands" and drop down "Platejoy".

#5 ClassPass
The key is to start with where you are, and get excited about each step you take. In this case,
each class you take. From yoga to lifting to dance and everything in between - nationwide and
globally. This is for the fitness enthusiast like me who loves stability (lifting and fasted cardio),
but also thrives on variety and mixing it up! This code will get you $30 off. You may visit www.fitlifecreation.com "brands" and it will take
you directly to the discount link http://class.ps/eUlo.
We include this as a sneak peak in our programs, retreats, and academies.
Now, onto some of my other favorite tools in money and business!
These will include:
6) Mint
7) Acorn
8) Canva
9) Meistertask
10) LivePlan
Let's make an impact and get wealthy (and give back!)
#6 Mint
This free tool and app for personal finance is incredible. It helps you track real-time your budget linked with your bank account, bills, and more. I've used them since 2011, and reduced spending by over 50%, and implemented smart
spending with how I want to create a life I love.
If you would like to see more on how to's on this, let me know! Share on social media + tag @fitlifecreation @katrinajuliafit!

#7 Acorn
I discovered this incredible tool via Mint. Acorn allows you the possibility to save the cents and dollars on your debit card charges rounded to the nearest dollar. They make it simple and easy. It about a month without even thinking about it, I have saved over $150.
My goal is to save 3-6 months (Dave Ramsey Student). With this tool, and saving 10% every month, I am well on my way.
You will be too with your savings goals!

#8 Canva
Canva is the incredible tool I used to design this ebook. They are an incredible free platform to help you design presentations, social media, and more! All of the graphics in this post are created with canva! Visit www.canva.com to start creating!

#9 MeisterTask
To start to transform your job or your business, it is essential you manage priorities, time, and
get focused. One of the ways I do this is a project management tool. This one is free, visual, and most importantly helps you stay on track! We help you put this together in our courses, retreats, and academies.
Visit www.meistertask.com.
#10 Liveplan
This tool is last, but definitely not least! I love this one!!!
The key is to start with where you are with your business, and create the vision of what is
possible. This is hands down the best business plan software I have ever used. I have been using
them since 2006 to the tune of creating >8 figure growth for companies individually, and
collectively. We help you create your plan in courses, retreats, and academies.
Visit www.liveplan.com.
I hope these transformation tools have given you hope in your own journey. The most important thing is to recognize things take time. You did not get here overnight, nor will you get to the destination you want overnight. It is, always has been, and always will be, a journey. A bit about my story: I UNDERSTAND THE STRUGGLE. "I struggled with 20-40 lbs. of excess weight, 150%+ of excess spending while generating others 7-8 figures of wealth, and losing myself."

With perseverance, I transformed from the inside out creating a life + a business I love while inspiring others + giving back.

Upcoming experiences with 7 Day Challenge, Programs, Brazil, and more
Transform + Inspire: You Were Born To.
Transform + Inspire.