Are you missing community and live events now? Do you find yourself imagining learning, connecting and dancing with a high-vibe community? You are not alone. Yet, like all of us, you don't have any idea on when you will be able to attend a live transformational event again.
You have the power to choose to create the world you want to see. I believe this is the true test of my character. The choice to turn pain to purpose and pivot. At the start of the pandemic, I made this decision.
I am not discounting your experience or pain in any way. I get it. In the last 7+ years, I have walked through some of the hardest spiritual and practical experiences in my own transformation from the inside out.
I may not be dancing at live events anytime soon to learn, and/or our own live transformation events and retreats, but I am hopping on virtual online meetings, events, and conferences in every direction. From wellness to virtual travel events to virtual entrepreneur events, I am on what aligns for my heart and soul next to help me and us create a life, business and community we love.
You love to create a life, business and community you love as well. Maybe, you are a multi-passionate entrepreneur, creator, and speaker now? Perhaps, you are ready to take your side-hustle to the next level. Or, maybe your circumstances or those in the world have your entrepreneurial antennae up. I get it.
The journey of wellness, lifestyle, and entrepreneurship is not for the weak-willed or faint of heart. It is pruning, pain and a process to passions, purpose, people, and profits. What I find most important now is courage. Courage to act in spite of circumstances we face today.
You may have heard of entrepreneurial communities, a friend of yours may have already attended a Rise Conference, or you've heard me talk about Rachel Hollis's books - Girl, Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing since my friend Mellie King told me about her in 2018. I have read both books 4x and cried like a baby the first time reading Girl, Wash Your Face.
The books, Rachel & Dave's shows, Start Today Journals, #Next90DayChallenge, and Noah's Tea Time on @DaveHollis have helped me and us increase clarity and prioritize actions daily. I originally planned on attending my first Rise Conference in San Diego this year. Life had other plans.
Rachel, Dave, and every speaker brought incredible value to every session. From courage to perspective to time management to faith, every session energized and fueled my spirit. One session alone far exceeded the price of admission #notsponsored.
The Hollis Co delivered above and beyond with over 7 sessions and over eight hours of energized and practical programming - not to mention the divine dance parties with DJ Ahson Williams. There are many ways for you to create community online now so join and jam with me with my Rise X Live online conference experience.

Rising Up in Adventures in Costa Rica
Creating Communities
As a multi-passionate entrepreneur and traveler, I am constantly creating, transforming and inspiring with communities from an influencer, entrepreneur and brand side. Community is everything!
That's why when Rachel and Dave Hollis announced their Rise X Live conference this year, I was all in from the start. I am a huge believer in investing in yourself, and always have been. My parents cultivated this in me early-on from summer camps to global travels to higher education. This belief transferred to certificates and education in entrepreneurship as well.
If you didn't know, I have served in 7+ industries with experiences ranging from strategy to corporate to finance. God has blessed me with a love of learning and gifts, talents, and abilities in various ways from an early age.
When I became a full-time entrepreneur this transitioned into numerous communities including Strategic Coach, Herbalife Nutrition, Dani Johnson, Dave Ramsey, Brendon Burchard, and Chalene Johnson to name a few. Myself, my prior 401k, credit cards, student loans and my parents have invested in me beyond measure. God and I do not let those investments return void.
Would you love to connect and create with a courageous community you love around the world? You may start now with online summits and events in communities globally like Rise X Live. From the second the conference started, I could feel the prayer, love and intention behind it all from every speaker and participant.

Rise X Live Online Highlights
One thing I have heard Rachel repeat is "no one will care about your dreams more than you do" and you are "made for more". Whether you are a side-hustler, entrepreneur, and/or woman in business you will love the Rise and Start Today communities.
Let me tell you first and foremost, nothing I share will do the experience justice. You didn't spend 8+ straight hours being filled with dancing, joy and service from the speakers and DJ. You will get a snapshot of what the experience is like.
The online conference, Rise X Live, fueled me further to attend a Rise Conference Live.
If this much energy may be brought online, I can only imagine a stadium full of women focused on downloading and directing our divine dreams and desires.
If you have never heard of it, Rise Conferences are a 3-day personal growth women’s conference created and led by Rachel Hollis. RISE Weekend is an event where women from every walk of life can come together to be inspired, supported and enveloped in a community.
Creative entrepreneurs, influencers, and goal chasers come together to focus on fueling to chase their dreams. Some of the latest conferences have involved 7,500+ women all in one venue dancing and dreaming and directing.
The Rise X Live conference took on a focus of Courage for the first live event. It included Rachel and Dave Hollis, as well as incredible speakers like Ed Mylett, Eric Thomas, John Maxwell, Don Miller, Jen Hatmaker, Brit Barron, along with incredible workouts and dance moments with Chris Chandler and Ahson Williams.

According to Rachel,
I’m Rachel Hollis. I’m a proud working mama of four kids alongside my ultra hunky husband Dave. We live in Texas hill country just outside of Austin where we run The Hollis Company and try a new restaurant every week on date night.
I worship coffee like a deity, I read books like my life depends on it and think La Croix is one of the greatest inventions of the last decade. I’m probably most well known as the author of the book Girl, Wash Your Face (which has sold about 4.5 MILLION copies in the last couple of years– bananas, I know!)
But long before I wrote all my books or had one of the most successful podcasts in the world or produced massive conferences or founded my media company– I was a blogger....
Above all please remember this… you are worthy and capable of achieving anything you set your heart to. I’m rooting for you! –Rach
I may personally attest to the positive and dramatic influence her books, Start Today Journal, Priority Planner, and now Rise X Live have had on my life in numerous ways from the inside out.
I believe Rachel, Dave and her team are truly after God's own heart for the community they have created and are creating.
Rise X Live Opening
Rachel opened the online conference focusing on pivots in her own journey and business with being in Week 8 of the Quarantine, along with a team of 60 people, as well as pivoting to create Rise X Live.
She focused on going All In and one of my favorites of the event - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 dance moments
with the DJ to set the tone to rise our energy at any moment. #youhadtobethere #risexlive
She shared a commitment to new content centered around courage never seen before within Rise conferences, and Hollis Co platforms. She shared behind the scenes videos with the community from blended families to a wife of a first responder to a singer in Georgia.
I loved the warm welcome and alignment to community in every way. The social media #RiseXLive went bananas right away, and I shared tons of highlights throughout.

My TakeAways:
Show Up as Fully Me
Continue Refining Aligned Beliefs & Behaviors

Original live I would have attended in 2020 in San Diego #oneofmyfavoritecities
The Brain and Our Perspective
I love how relatable Rachel always is. I cracked up with her focus on the brain and mentions of Doctors not @ her for any statements. I have done previous studies on our brains, but it has been awhile. I believe it is valuable to learn and remind ourselves about our brain behaviors.

She shared about parts of our brain including portions given to fight or flight, emotions, and auto functions. As she shared, I evaluated my reflections from an entrepreneur during the crisis.
We talked about powerful perspective to revisit the past and reframe for the present and future. She did an awesome exercise of What If and focusing on What If on the positive vs. negative side. For example, What If this is an opportunity and/or blessing in disguise vs. the alternatives.
With the current circumstance in 2020, we had to delay our live transformational events and retreats as well. Even before Rise X Live, I was praying and outlining what I would want the online live streaming event to look like.
During this session, everything came to me in a divine download for an event Aug 22 day by day for 7 business days with 21+ speakers and 3 options for CreateIT Summit.
My Action Items:
1 Continue tweaking my Sacred 7 morning routine
2 Track aligned actions for 7 Steps to Success
3 Launch Create It Summit Project
May - June
4 Partner & Promote Event
Ed Mylett

Before Rise X Live, I never heard of Ed Mylett. I loved his compassionate, yet challenging approach focusing on mindset and pivots.
He talked about building self-confidence including acting in congruence with promises I make to myself.
I loved his tips of making small promises, and the one more theory. They both completely resonate with how I approach life more and more daily.
My favorite takeaway from him was how he structures his days as mini-days. I already was kind of doing this with 2 mini-days daily.
However, his session challenged me to level up. I quickly created 4 mini-days a day taking each week to a 28 day / monthly impact. Thank you Ed!
Brit Barron

Brit's session had such a special energy - courage, compassion & commitment mixed all in one.
My takeaway from her session centered around strength through resistance. I've seen first hand how transformation is required to create a life and business you love.
I see how God has used it to strengthen me in every way. The actions we take count even more when it is the hardest of all and takes the most courage.

Dave Hollis
Dave brings such relatability and clarity each time he speaks. If you didn't know, Dave previously worked for Disney for 17 years, and left in 2018 when he was President of Worldwide Distribution breaking multi-billion dollar box office records. (According to Deadline & Hollywood Reporter March 2018).
He left to run Hollis Company alongside Rachel. I love his tea-time videos with Noah on Instagram.
In his session, Dave challenged us to think about who we are, where we find our identity and our values.
He asks us to think about where we created pain our lives with our beliefs and behaviors. We are challenged to reflect on how we think about ourselves when we are by ourselves. For me, this ties to finding my identity in Chris. For years, I found my identity in everything else.
Donald Miller

Before Rise X Live, I never heard of Donald Miller. His session talk about our stories, victim vs. victor, and how we share our stories within our brands.
How we see ourselves and our business helps create confidence to share.

Chris Chandler, Ahsohn Williams
and Rachel Hollis
Chris and Chandler brought the energy the entire conference as the Rise Emcee and DJ.
I laughed at a ton. At half-time, Rachel and Chris did a fun workout and the music was perfect.
Jen Hatmaker

Jen Hatmaker is also someone new for me. I loved her fusion of her life in her session as a wife, mom and entrepreneur. It cracked me up how the birds chirped in the room she was in. She shared the real life scenarios going on in her home with parenthood.
Although, I am not a parent I gleaned wisdom from her session on including people in communications in your inner-circle now more than ever.
She posed questions like "could we invite them to partner with us". She invited us to share humanity with others.
I am enough.
Rachel Hollis
Rachel came back on for another session. One of my favorite lines from this session included:
"A Warrior expects to get their butt kicked" GIRL!

The main focus of this session included consistency. "Achievement of persistence that dos not change over time".
She talked about importance of routines and rituals for motivation. I am very thankful for teachers like Rachel who inspire me in different ways.
My Sacred 7 Morning Routine, 7 Steps to Success, and Create 7 help align my beliefs and behaviors from inside out.
Some of the ways I have shifted in 2020 include workouts outside, park rituals, and breaks after every 3 tasks done after my Sacred 7 Morning Routine.
I loved how she talked about our ancestors and people cheering. This reminded me of Hebrews 12:1-3 and running my race and getting back up over and over.
Hebrews 12:1 ...And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
Eric Thomas

Eric brings the fire each and every time. I have listened to Eric Thomas for 3+ years and been in his community in different ways online.
He shared one of my favorite quotes by Winston Churchill "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm".
He focused on being and becoming more calculated, analytical, and strategic in our journeys as entrepreneurs and business owners now more than ever.
Prepare today so I don't repair.
John Maxwell

I have learned from John Maxwell for years like millions of others. I am grateful he was included on the Rise X Live premiere.
Within the last year, I dove deep into his 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and Leadershift, including giving a summary talk on the principles twice in a community.
He opened with lemons on the table in a bowl so visually you are thinking the entire time - take lemons and make lemonade - which I loved.
He shared a quote by Anais Nin, Life shrinks or expands in proportion to your courage.
I loved how he edified Rachel and the community. He talked about how courage is needed daily especially during times like this and the unknown. Such a valuable session in every way.
Closing Session: Leadership
The closing session on Servant Leadership was done by Rachel and flowed nicely from John's talk.
Some of the highlights included taking responsibility for others and being entrusted with a flock.
Luke 12:48
...For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. KJV
I loved her perspective and reality on leadership is heavy and that it is not about her, me or any leader on their own. We did a leadership activity on identifying the leader in me, as well as my values.
These included passion, purpose, peace, visionary, giving, inspiring, and community that I related to leaders I admire like John, Rachel, Steve Jobs, Oprah, Eric Thomas, Garrain Jones, and FIT Couple. My values include faith, create, value, transform, inspire, vision and community.
She challenged us to ask why, and keep asking why and to lean in to the strength. Her and Dave thanked everyone. The spirit, intention, speakers, community, and value of event far exceeded admission.
Afterwards, we had a virtual dance party which I joined in for about an hour or so, and loved it!!
And, just like that folks, its a wrap!
My First Experience with Rise Conference Online: Rise X Live
My first experience with a Rise Conference fueled me with courage and commitment from the inside out. Not to mention, the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 dance moments, and Chris's incredible energy as the emcee.
Every speaker brought value to the community in multiple ways from faith to mindset to leadership and everything in between. As you read over this or tuned in, I am sure you felt like you caught a glimpse of an online experience with a Rise Conference.
So much happened in a day that it felt surreal! Over 13 pages of notes, and 3+ action items I am already implementing with our online communities.
What are some of the ways you connect online? How are you focusing on courage? How could you take steps now to create a life and business you love globally?
You are made for more. I am, we all are. Believe. If I did not, I wouldn't have experienced Rise X Live.
Write down three entrepreneurial communities (even if online only) you would love to experience in 2020-22 to start!
How will you create next? You'll love jump start transformation.
If you post on social media, please tag us @katrinajuliafit @fitlifecreation
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